A Castle Adventure...
I recently wrapped on this design for the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. We are partnering with LEGO to create an exhibit about LEGO Castles, and the Master Builders who make them.
Along with the exhibit, we are producing a website that allows the museum with a viable means to market the exhibit prior to its launch. The website compliments the exhibit in many of its visual themes.
The largest component of the website will be interactive game/activity that allows a child to accumulate points or treasure after completing each activity contained within the Book of Castles section of the website. (Also, included in the Book of Castles is educational content about castle-life.)
Below is a screen shot.
The Treasure Room is located behind the purple banners, which provide a backdrop for the Book of Castles. Since the site is being developed in Flash, we will have some great opportunities for movement on the screen when a child visits here.
Here is series of screen shots showcasing what the Treasure Room will look like.
The iron gates will rise up and out...
...Treasure will accumulate pending completion of the Book of Castles and the games within.
We also included a place to personalize a coat of arms. When a child selects Kingdom Settings, they will be presented with a series of customizable options to enhance their coat of arms. The categories that will be editable will be: shield shape, divisions, colors, and charges.
There are several options within each category. Our hope is to advertise a "Coat-of-Arms Gallery" that showcases child work.
See below:
More to come later...